Why Men Withdraw And Go Cold For No Reason

Why Men Withdraw And Go Cold For No Reason

by Carol Allen

Have you ever been confused in your love life, and unsure of how to handle something while dating or in a relationship? You’re not alone. In my experience, most women don’t truly understand what it takes to make a connection with a man be all that it can, and why men withdraw – even after they seem so “into us.”

lonely girl Why Men Withdraw And Go Cold For No Reason

If you’re like most women, you have no idea how much power, and almost MAGIC you possess when it comes to men. So instead of having powerful, magical relationships that last and last, you have ones that start off seemingly good only to quickly get off track…

Why is this so common?

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Because there’s something you don’t quite get about a guy, or something that just doesn’t “work” for him about your relationship. Has this ever happened to you?

You met a man you felt an instant WOW with, falling for him hard, feeling a connection and closeness you’d only heard of in the movies…

He felt the same way, and you were both so excited, and so happy, and so attracted to each other – and when you were together time just flew. You couldn’t believe your luck. Finally, at last – HERE HE WAS – and it was all so thrilling…

But then something happened and to your amazement, he ultimately ended up pulling away from you, or acting like a jerk, or letting you down, and you couldn’t believe it. It’s like he became someone else…

The man you fell in love with was suddenly nowhere to be found – all you could find was his evil twin who was nothing like the guy you fell for. It’s like THAT guy was a mere figment of your imagination, never to be seen again. Ouch. What happened?

This Is What Makes Men Withdraw

No longer does he want to share his innermost feelings and connect on a deeply emotional, spiritual level, and be your personal cuddle bunny. (Yes, the scientific term for it is “Cuddle Bunny.” Look it up.)

And suddenly the two of you feel very different from one another, and very little like those blissful love birds you were up to this point… You’ll think to yourself, Who is THIS guy? And where did Lover Boy go?So here’s the deal – in the first six or so months you can seem compatible with just about anyone. You can feel close and connected with a guy that you’re actually not that close and connected with. You can feel deeply bonded to a man you don’t actually like or respect very much. It’s kinda scary.

woman alone Why Men Withdraw And Go Cold For No ReasonThat dopamine stuff makes it so you only see each others good qualities – so the shiny, pretty parts of his personality will be all you notice, and the things that would normally send you running for the hills will seem like minor details.

Or you won’t see them at all.

It’s brutal, but true. This is why you’ve had friends who are so great, and so together, but they gave their all to a total bozo, and you just couldn’t see why they couldn’t see him for the bozo that he was.

So what you want is to take all this “excitement” for the hormonal rush that it is.  Understand that it’s not always something that “happened” that answers the “why” of why men withdraw. Sometimes it’s just hormones making a non-working relationship seem like a real relationship. Instead of worrying about the men who disappeared,  look for a relationship that creates a different kind of euphoria – the excitement and pleasure that comes from peace of mind and emotional support over the long haul – which is actually much BETTER than the high of new love.

carol Why Men Withdraw And Go Cold For No ReasonIt may not be as exciting right off the bat – but the long haul keeps the genuine excitement of love and intimacy for your whole lifetime.


From Sarah: Carol has great help for you - yes, she’s a Vedic Astrologer (amazing stuff) – but most important, she’s a fabulous relationship coach with a huge following and so many success stories – her letters and reports cover why men withdraw and more.

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