In October 2011, we reported the unusual case of Wesley Warren Jr.; the man with a 132-pound scrotum. The huge, double watermelon-sized scrotum prevented him from sitting on toilets, having relations with women, driving a car, anything that we take for granted in our normal day-to-day function.
But, he has finally decided to undergo surgery that he feared would essentially “castrate” him and leave him without his manly equipment and/or function of it. After dropping 132 pounds, Warren is a new man! But, after carrying this fleshy luggage between his legs for these last few years, he will endure an intensive recovery, according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
On April 8, Dr. Joel Gelman, who heads the Center for Reconstructive Urology at the University of California, Irvine, and three other physicians, including plastic surgeons, donated their services and operated on Warren for 13 hours to remove the mass. The condition is known as scrotal lymphedema, where a hernia or fluid accumulates between the testicle and skin.
“We had to make several different incisions at the same time to get to the testicles and penis without damaging them (their functionality),” he said, stressing that some of Warren’s own skin was grafted from his body to cover his penis and testicles.”
Warren is 6 feet tall, and prior to the surgery, weighed more than 500 pounds. His condition is not normally found in America, but it is spread by mosquitoes in Africa, Asia, Central America, and/or South America. But Warren always believed the condition was caused by an awkward turn in his sleep where he squeezed or smashed a testicle in 2008.
Read more here. Warren was unavailable for comment, but we’re CERTAIN he is finally relieved.
-J.C. Brooks
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