*Days after sparking a nationwide police boycott of his movies with remarks made at a rally against police brutality in Manhattan’s Washington Square Park on Oct. 24, Quentin Tarantinois addressing the situation.
The Wrap cites an interview the filmmaker did with the Los Angeles Times in which he responded to the controversy raised from his comments, saying, “All cops are not murderers.”
“I never said that. I never even implied that,” Tarantino told the Times on Tuesday (Nov. 3) in his first public response to the situation.
“What they’re doing is pretty obvious. Instead of dealing with the incidents of police brutality that those people were bringing up, instead of examining the problem of police brutality in this country, better they single me out. And their message is very clear. It’s to shut me down. It’s to discredit me. It is to intimidate me. It is to shut my mouth, and even more important than that, it is to send a message out to any other prominent person that might feel the need to join that side of the argument.”
Since labeling cops “murderers” in his remarks at the rally, Tarantino has encountered widespread criticism that could sabotage the chances of his upcoming film “The Hateful Eight” making a noticeable impact as awards season kicks into gear.
“When I see murders, I do not stand by… I have to call a murder a murder, and I have to call the murderers the murderers,” the “Django Unchained” director said.
Taking a stand against Tarantino, police unions in New York City, Los Angeles, Houston, New Jersey, Chicago and Philadelphia have called for a boycott of Tarantino films, including his latest feature “The Hateful Eight,” which is set to be released on Christmas Day, according to The Wrap, which noted that the National Association of Police organizations called on cops to refrain from engaging in promotional efforts and any future productions that routinely need the assistance of law enforcement, even for off-duty work.
The anti-police brutality rally was held four days after NYPD Officer Randolph Holder was fatally shot in the head while chasing a gunman in East Harlem. Regarding the timing of the rally, Tarantino called it “unfortunate.”
While he insisted, “I’m not a cop hater,” Tarantino didn’t back down or apologize from his comments, which he believes were misrepresented.
“I’m not taking back what I said. What I said was the truth. I’m used to people misrepresenting me; I’m used to being misunderstood.”
In addition to Tarantino, The Wrap reports his longtime studio partner, The Weinstein Companytouched on the controversy on Tuesday. The film company’s s “longstanding relationship and friendship with Quentin,” was highlighted as it voiced how it has “a tremendous amount of respect for him as a filmmaker. We don’t speak for Quentin, he can and should be allowed to speak for himself.”
Tarantino’s comments comes amid news that he will appear on “Real Time With Bill Maher” on Friday (Nov. 6) as the mid-show interview guest. Other guests for the episode include Keith Olbermann, journalist David Frum, reporter Jillian Melchior and former New York congressmanAnthony Weiner.
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