*Via press release from the Office of Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network:
Today on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Rev. Al Sharpton, President of the National Action Network (NAN) announced next steps he and NAN will initiate in the pursuit of justice for the family of Trayvon Martinas he re-iterated NAN’s call for the Department of Justice to relaunch its investigation into whetherGeorge Zimmerman committed civil rights violations against Trayvon Martin.
When Rev. Al Sharpton went to Sanford, Florida, in 2012, he met with the U.S. Attorney along with the family of Trayvon Martin and Attorney Benjamin Crump, and they asked for civil rights charges at that time. The Department of Justice decided to wait until after the state trial to decide whether to go forward. Rev. Sharpton is now calling on the Justice Department to complete a full investigation and will send a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder that will be signed by himself, Melanie Campbell, (National Coalition on Black Civic Participation ), Marc Morial (National Urban League), and Benjamin Todd Jealous (NAACP) asking Holder to resume the filing of civil rights charges about which the family of Trayvon Martin and Rev. Al Sharpton initially met in Florida with a U.S. Attorney.
Secondly, Rev. Al Sharpton announced that the August 24th, the 50th Anniversary March on Washington led by him, Martin Luther King, III and National Action Network, will focus on voting rights and ending state laws like Stand your Ground and Stop and Frisk. It will be the first national march since the acquittal of George Zimmerman. According to Rev. Al Sharpton and NAN, Dr.King’s dream has been undermined by both the Supreme Court Voting Rights decision and the acquittal of George Zimmerman.
*Meanwhile, TMZ caught up with Rev. Sharpton at LaGuardia Airport Sunday — and asked him the obvious… if he was disappointed that 6 jurors acquitted Zimmerman of all charges. His answer … a resounding YES.
“We always had a plan B. We now go to the Justice Department seeking civil rights charges.” He adds, “We’re not gonna stop until we get justice.”
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