*Rush Limbaugh has been treading on thin ice with his racist comments for quite some time, but with this latest outburst he may have finally, clearly, lost his damn mind.
Most likely prompted by the recent open essay written by a white racist overridden with guilt as a result of the Zimmerman acquittal in the Trayvon Martin trial; Limbaugh has taken it upon himself to rewrite history and exalt on his radio show on Monday, “it’s time for this white guilt to end… if any race of people should not have guilt about slavery, it’s Caucasians.”
Oh but wait, he has a theory.
According to Limbaugh, compared to other parts of the world, slavery in America was “by no means…anywhere near the worst.” He went on to say that Native Americans started wars with each other for slaves, and that “Ancient Rome went to war to win more slaves.”
According to Media Matters, Limbaugh closed his argument by saying:
Despite it all, no other race has ever fought a war for the purpose of ending slavery, which we did. Nearly 600,000 people were killed in the Civil War. It’s preposterous that Caucasians are blamed for slavery when they’ve done more to end it than any other race, and within the bounds of the Constitution to boot. And yet white guilt is still one of the dominating factors in American politics. It’s exploited, it’s played upon, it is promoted, used, and it’s unnecessary.
Limbaugh made headlines last week for his comments following Zimmerman trial witness Rachel Jeantel’s interview on CNN’s Piers Morgan.
During the interview, Jeantel said there was a different meaning to the n-word when it ends in ‘a’ as opposed to ‘er.’
Limbaugh said the n-word ending in ‘a’ on his radio show the following day, adding that because of Jeantel’s statements, he should be able to use the word from now on.
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