R.I.P Jonas Bevacqua, Co-Founder of LRG

R.I.P Jonas Bevacqua, Co-Founder of LRG

Multiple reports from multiple sources reported this afternoon that Jonas Bevacqua, co-founder of streetwear brand: Lifted Research Group (LRG) was found dead earlier today in Los Angeles. He was 34 years old.

Bevacqua reportedly died in his sleep, and the news shocked a large number of the clothing line’s fans. Friends, family and business partners were also mourning in Twitter. Ben Baller, Bevacqua’s close friend, a celebrity jeweler, tweeted his grief:

“[W]oke up at 8am to the worst news I’ve heard in my lifetime….my best man.”

Many others were also shocked to hear the news. Producer 9th Wonder also expressed his grief via Twitter.

“I just learned about the passing of a revolutionary mind….R.I.P. #Jonas Bevacqua-Founder of Lifted Research Group (LRG)…rest easy bro.”

As far as hip hop clothing goes, LRG has paved the way for indie brands and has also been an active company in sponsoring mixtapes with today’s biggest names. Rappers B.o.B., 9th Wonder artist Big Remo, Outasight and Kidz In The Hall all had collaborative projects released with LRG and have also donned the clothing brand on the covers of their mixtapes.

Aside from rappers, LRG also has close ties with the sports world, especially with athletes such as Rudy Gay of Memphis Grizzlies and Regie Bush from Orleans Saints.

Our thoughts and prayers goes to Jonas Bevacqua’s friends and family.

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