*Musician Nile Rodgers called the “Blurred Lines” verdict ‘shocking,’ according to Yahoo News.Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams were found guilty of plagiarizing Marvin Gaye‘s “Got to Give it Up.”
“Compositionally, purely compositionally, I don’t think they should have lost that case,” he told The Associated Press. “‘Got to Give it Up’ is clearly a blues structure, (‘Blurred Lines’) isn’t at all.”
Williams spoke out about the verdict. He and Thicke have to pay the Gaye family $7.4 million. Although his children aren’t finished. They filed an injunction in court. This prevents the copying, distributing and performing of the hit.
“The verdict handicaps any creator out there who is making something that might be inspired by something else,” Williams said.
“This applies to fashion, music, design… anything. If we lose our freedom to be inspired, we’re going to look up one day and the entertainment industry as we know it will be frozen in litigation,” he added. “This is about protecting the intellectual rights of people who have ideas.”
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