It looks like the freaky deaky community is going to have to tone down the freak or the deak in their activities if they want to stay cancer-free. A new study has found that men are contracting throat cancer at an alarming rate from simply pleasing their mates.
The new study from the Journal of Clinical Oncology has uncovered a very good reason to take oral sex out of the sexual equation. The study found a surge in the number of cases of men who have come into contact with human papillomavirus (HPV); a sexually transmitted virus that takes the form of warts and can lead to cancer in men and women’s genitals.
The journal’s researchers found that out of 271 cases of throat tumors the percentage linked to HPV had jumped from 16 percent in 1994 to 72 percent by 2004. The recent vaccine for HPV has been controversial because it has been recommended to girls starting at age 11.
Men, the term “guard your grill” is taking on a completely different meaning. Read more here and proceed with caution the next time you’re “active.”
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