Jay-Z Visits President Obama at the White House

Jay-Z Visits President Obama at the White House

*During his tour stop in Washington D.C. last night, Jay-Z, his wife Beyonce and mother-in-law Tina Knowles squeezed in a visit to the President of the United States.

“I just came from the White House,” Jigga told the audience during the last minutes of his Blueprint 3 concert at the Verizon Center, which is just a hop skip and a jump from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Officials confirmed to the Washington Post that President Barack Obama had indeed met with the Brooklyn MC and the pair chatted briefly.

The rapper was a loyal supporter of Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign – and apparently, vice versa.

Obama famously did the Jay-Z “Dirt Off Your Shoulders” move to illustrate his feelings toward critics following a debate with then rival Hillary Clinton. [View clip below.] In an interview overseas last month, Jay-Z revealed that when he once called President Obama, he heard “Blueprint 3″ playing in the background.

The artist also told British talk-show host Jonathan Ross he had been invited to the White House by the Obama administration “a couple of times,” but at the time, the lyricist hadn’t had a chance to take the president up on the offer.

“Hopefully we’ll keep him in for eight years, so I’ll have time to get there,” Jay joked.

Beyonce, meanwhile, serenaded Barack and Michelle Obama with “At Last” during the couple’s first dance at the Inaugural Ball. Also, Obama was seen doing Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” hand flip during an Inaugural concert at the Lincoln Memorial.

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