Jay-Z Denies Rumors of Beef with Kanye West

Jay-Z Denies Rumors of Beef with Kanye West

*Jay Z is denying reports of a rift with Kanye West, blaming disgruntled haters for spreading false rumors about the rap duo because they are “really hot right now.”

Jigga was alleged to have fallen out with West just days before the release of their joint album “Watch The Throne,” amid claims that West wanted to spend too much money on set costs for their upcoming tour.

But Jay Z has dismissed the reports, insisting they would never let something so small interfere with their working relationship.

In an impromptu radio interview with New York’s Hot 97 today, he told DJ Angie Martinez, “I kinda wanna spend a gazillion dollars (too)! I know that we doing something right now… When I woke up to all that (the reports), I was like, you know, we must be really hot right now, it’s happening!

“Kanye’s my brother, if there’s ever a problem with us… Yes, we get on each other’s nerves but that’s part of pushing each other… So of course there are times when we’re in the studio, we’re yelling, but that’s about it… I would never disrespect (West). I have too much respect to put my hands on him.

“We have a healthy respect for one another… It’s always about the art, it’s never about him and me; it’s always about the art.”

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