Media sources reveal that President Barack Obama will sit down for a live face-to-face interview with Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly from the White House during Fox’s Super Bowl Sunday pregame show on February 2.
O’Reilly’s chat with Obama is set to begin around 4:30 pm ET and cover various topics. After the interview, O’Reilly and Obama will continue their conversation for an additional taped portion that will air the next day on FNC’s The O’Reilly Factor.
The new interview marks the third time O’Reilly has sat down with Obama, following a 2008 interview in 2008 and a one-on-one chat during the Super Bowl pregame show in 2011.
Meanwhile, as the nation takes sides for the big game, opinions on President Obama continue to divide.
According to a new Associated Press-GfK poll, the president’s image has slightly recovered from the hit he took during the government shutdown late last year. As it stands, the poll revealed that 58 percent of people label him as very or somewhat likable, an increase of 9 percentage points from October, just after the shutdown.
Overall, people are largely pessimistic about the country’s direction, down on the condition of the economy and doubtful it will bounce back anytime soon. As for unemployment? “Seventy percent think it will go higher or stay the same,” the poll stated.
In regards to Obama’s job performance, 31 percent think he’s been outstanding or above average while a quarter of the people polled rank the president’s standing as average. Only 42 percent describe the commander-in-chief’s presidency as below average or poor.
The current views of those who believe Obama’s been outstanding or above average have slipped 6 points since just after his re-election in November 2012. Despite the upswing in his likability, the public has their doubts about Obama’s decisiveness and honesty.
More than half of Americans wouldn’t describe Obama as decisive or honest, compared to 52 percent don’t find him particularly inspiring. Obama’s overall approval rating continues to remain fairly stable, with 45 percent approving and 53 percent saying they don’t.
Obama’s handling of the federal government and unemployment generated a little support. Nevertheless, people still view the president negatively on both issues.
Obama may be making strides with a divided public, but the same can’t be said of Congress. The poll indicates a continuation of the public’s dissatisfaction with their elected representatives with just 14 percent of Americans approving of the way legislators are handling their job — up from a low of 5 percent decrease after the government shutdown, but still nothing to celebrate.
In addition, more than 9 in 10 Republicans say they disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job.
The Associated Press-GfK poll was the result of online interviews with 1,060 adults. The survey has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points for all respondents.
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