*During an appearance on Fox News Tuesday night, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain predicted he would win a third of the black vote at a time when President Obama is struggling with his base.
“The African-American vote, I am confident, based upon black people that run into, black people that used to call my radio show, black people that have signed up on my website to support me. I believe, quite frankly, that my campaign, I will garner a minimum of a third of the black vote in this country and possibly more,” Cain said.
Cain also slammed Obama’s recent passionate defense of his record at a Congressional Black Caucus gala this weekend, saying the president’s pitch didn’t go over well with many black Americans.
[Scroll down to watch.]
A new Zogby poll puts Cain at the top of the Republican field, as the top choice of 28% of poll respondents. Rounding out the top three are Rick Perry at 18%, and Mitt Romney at 17%. Fourth place goes to Ron Paul at 11%.
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