Desiline Victor, a 102-year old woman, received a standing ovation during the State of the Union on Tuesday for her resolve to vote. Fox News hosts Brian Kilmeade, Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer, however, wondered what the "big deal" was.
Victor made two trips and waited three hours to vote in Miami in November. President Obama spoke about the need to protect voting rights during his State of the Union address on Tuesday, and pointed to Victor, who was there as a guest of Michelle Obama, as an example.
Kilmeade, MacCallum and Hemmer did not seem to think she deserved one, though. Speaking on Kilmeade's radio show on Thursday, MacCallum said that the issue had no place in the State of the Union because it could be handled on the "municipal level… Get the town council on that one."
"How long was she on line?" Hemmer asked.
"What's the big deal? She was happy," MacCallum argued. "She waited on line, she was happy that she voted."
"They held her up as a victim!" Hemmer alleged. "What was she the victim of? Rashes on the bottom of her feet?"
Posted: 02/14/2013 2:08 pm EST | Updated: 02/14/2013 7:17 pm EST