Deelishis Raped at 18; Husband Indicted on Federal Drug Charges

Deelishis Raped at 18; Husband Indicted on Federal Drug Charges

deelishis and orlando gordon

(Deelishis and her husband, Orlando Gordon)

*Reality show star Deelishis opened up a different side of herself in a recent interview with Sister 2 Sister’s Jamie Foster brown , sharing a story about being raped at 18.

During the interview, which took place at her home, her husband, Orlando Gordon, chimed in saying his wife led the rapist on!

He interjected in the interview and told his wife, “You led that man on!’

A tense discussion about the meaning of “no” was then spurred between the couple. Allegedly, he was going off the previous interaction the rapist and Deelishis had before the incident occurred. (Watch the video below.)

But you have to wonder, where are Gordon’s values and morals anyway.

He’s been indicted on federal charges and some jewelry belonging to Deelishis was seized. She was not charged.

According to a Detroit News report, two drug dealers have been indicted in a federal court, allegedly for being involved with money laundering and helping run the downtown nightclub Envy, which was raided by agents.

Investigators have spend five years on this particular case, rounding up more than $1 million in cash, classic cars, and more than $130,000 in jewelry. And some of that jewelry was found in the reality star’s possession. For those of you who don’t know, Gordon is an accused drug dealer, allegedly involved with a high profile drug trafficking ring in which he supposedly heads with a second man, Wendell Tobias of Detroit.

“This was a major drug trafficking organization that distributed cocaine and marijuana throughout the region,” U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman Rich Isaacson said. “There are aspects of the investigation that are continuing so that’s all I can comment on at this point.”

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