*Weeks after participating in Comedy Central’s “Roast of Charlie Sheen,” comedian Patrice O’Neal has suffered a stroke, reports E! News.
O’Neal’s fellow comic Jim Norton broke the news about the funnyman’s Oct. 19 stroke Wednesday on satellite radio’s Opie and Anthony Show. So far, there’s no official word on his condition or his prognosis.
“We don’t know how he is. We don’t know how he’s going to be,” Norton told Opie and Anthony. “I didn’t want to do this by myself. I wish we had more news for you.”
Sheen took to Twitter yesterday to extend his heartfelt wishes to his friend: “My pal Patrice @BIGMOMMAPRODS gentle giant, brilliant comedian, and noble dude. Wishing him nothing but recovery, healing and laughter xo.”
Opie and Anthony have since issued a statement on Facebook urging fans to respect his family’s request for privacy and suggesting anyone wanting to send well wishes can email LoveForPatrice@gmail.com.
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