Bruce Jenner Moves Out of Family Mansion As Kanye & Baby Move in

bruce jenner

*After new parents Kim Kardashian and Kanye West moved into the family’s mansion in Calabasas, CA with their newborn North West, Bruce Jenner, Kim’s stepdaddy, has decided to move to his Malibu beach house for the remainder of the summer.

According to Jenner has, “decided to ditch the family home because he was constantly being told to be quiet because of baby Nori,” a source said. “Bruce was unable to have his friends over to fly their remote controlled helicopters in the backyard because of concerns of noise.”

The family also had concerns that one of Jenner’s friends might snap a photo of North to sell it to the media.

A family insider told RadarOnline: “The entire household has been turned upside down because Kim and Nori have moved in. Bruce has been run out of the house! Kris didn’t encourage him to stay either.”

Viewers first learned of Jenner’s beach house from the show “Keeping Up With The Kardashians.” With his wife complaining about his cleanliness and not wanting him guests over the house, Jenner acquired the property as a place to call his own.

During a recent appearance on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno, Khloe Kardashian said: “They’re not having problems but they still like to live apart. In my house there’s a manroom for Lamar (Odom) so I think they took my idea and ran with it and they got another house and Bruce stays there some times. I’m not for that. But it’s to each their own. I think too much time apart is not a good thing.”

According to Radar, Bruce is loving his time away in his beach house that “he has asked Ryan Seacrest‘s production company, which is picking up the tab for the lease, to extend it another six months,” the source told RadarOnline. “He really is making it a home of his own.”

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