You’re a booty call
A man that only wants to sleep with you is going to avoid conversational texts. Making you laugh, or sharing something personal about himself will only make it seem like he cares about your happiness when you’re not in bed with him. But a guy that keeps you around as a booty call won’t exert any more emoticons than are required to make a plan.
Sharing stories
Ever had a guy text you a play-by-play of his day, from ever
He wants an insta-relationship
That type of constant communication isn’t quite normal until you’ve been with someone for a long time. A guy that gives you a play-by-play of his day after only a couple of dates is trying to insert himself into your life via being the name flashing on your phone every ten minutes.
“Let’s talk about it in person”
Since women love to communicate via any medium, it can get frustrating to deal with the guy that says, “I’ll tell you later” or “Let’s talk about it in person” or answers your interrogative questions with one or two word answers.
Some men just aren’t texters
Believe it or not, there are some old fashioned ones still out there! Some men want to give their words the respect of having facial expressions, tone of voice and gesture to back them up. And they also want to give you that respect so that you fully understand them.
Bouts of texts, then silence
Has a guy every been super chatty for short bursts of time, responding to you within seconds, and then suddenly disappearing? He’s a story teller, making you laugh with tons of puns, and then dead silence.
He just wants attention
Some men keep around a texting buddy simply to have female attention. It’s immature and narcissistic but it happens. Some guys never have any intentions of asking you out or making plans. They simply get a high from having a female that thinks about them and who they can instantly flirt with whenever they want, via text.
Super plan maker
This guy is different from the booty call. His plans are far more elaborate. He texts you about events weeks down the line. He has a dozen follow up texts to make sure you will be there, and know exactly how to get there, and are okay with what you’ll be doing.
He likes you but he’s nervous
This guy either just really likes you and wants to ensure he gets a spot on your schedule or he’s not comfortable with himself. If a man hasn’t gained confidence in his own abilities to entertain you, simply by sitting next to you, he’ll always be looking for distracting activities, just so he can be around you.
Dirty + flirty texts
Have a guy sending you flirty and even dirty text messages, and you can’t quite gage if he’s trying to date you or just sleep with you?
It could be both!
Just because a guy is getting sexual or suggestive in his texts doesn’t mean he just wants to get in bed with you. Pay attention to what else happens in your conversations. Do they end on a sexual note? Or do you at some point move back into just fun, casual conversation? If they always end on a sexual note then odds are he does just want to sleep with you.
A friend that you like
Is there a guy that runs in the same social circles as you, that you work with or that you see regularly in some capacity that you want to be more than friends with? Since the two of you are already (probably) on texting terms, it can be hard to gage where the line is between flirty and friendly.
How deep does he get?
Usually a guy can tell when a woman is crushing on him, and men know that nothing makes a woman feel liked (or loved) more than being confided in. If a man touches on serious topics with you via text, he might have feelings for you! But if he clearly avoids any deep topics, and steers away from them when you bring them up, he is probably trying to keep things platonic.
He never initiates conversation
This is one of the most confusing types of texting: the guy that never initiates texts, but always responds to yours. Once the conversation has started, he engages, responds promptly and seems into it. When you ask him to do something, he says yes, but he never initiates plans.
He’s passing the time with you
You’re an inbetweener for this guy. You’re not just a booty call because he does in fact enjoy hanging out with you and talking to you, but you’re also not someone he feels strongly enough about to want a relationship with. So, when you text him or ask him to hang out, his thought is, “Why not?” But, you don’t come to his mind on his own
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